What to do in your garden this weekend

Here’s a few tips for your garden this weekend:

* Summer pJust Joeyrune your Roses and then fertilise with rose food

* Now is the optimum growth time, so fertilise all garden beds with Dynamic lifter and water well following application.

* Move hanging baskets into the shade away from afternoon sun.

* Spray weeds early morning, as the day gets hotter, the spray as less effect.

* Summer lettuce needs a boost, suggest to liquid feed with Aquasol liquid fertiliser.

* As we are in a fruit fly area, be sure to dispose of fallen fruit at least every 3 days (bag them and leave in sun or zap them in microwave).

* Take cuttings of Azaleas, Geraniums and Grevilleas (hardwood cuttings) for propagation.

* Lay snail and slug bait (cat and dog friendly if needed).

* Annual seeds to sow: Dwarf Marigold, Stock, Poppies and Forget-me-not.

* Mist indoor plants with clean, fresh, cool water to increase humidity and deter mites and insects.7104cf959cc11509d5c18f96ae82f4fc

Be sure to do all of this before it gets too hot!

Until next time “Get Out and Get Dirty”.

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